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Day of Caring Completes Landscaping Projects

A Day of Caring sponsored by the United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes was the event which led to the landscaping at Pathway Home getting its seasonal refresh on May 19.

Five volunteers from Advanced Atomization Technologies in Clyde, and four from Seneca Falls took on the project despite wet weather which forced one rain delay during the day.

The volunteers cleaned out the beds, removing weeds and unwanted plants, and spread new mulch.

Pathway would like to thank Advanced Atomization Technologies employees Jan Finch, Michelle Smith, Hali Burnett, Shannon Corcoran and Thomas Slawsky, and Seneca Falls residents Kitty and Bob Peterson, and Theresa and David Clark for their efforts.

Getting started

The Seneca Falls volunteers clearing an area of weeds.

The Advanced Atomization Technologies employees mulching the last bed.

The completed project.